Blyth Daly was born December 5, 1901 in London, England to
Arnold Daly and Mary Blyth. Both of her parents, who were first married in 1900, were actors. They divorced in 1903 and remarried in 1905, but divorced again soon after. Her mother then remarried to Frank Craven in 1915, actor known for originating the role of the Stage Manager in "Our Town" on Broadway and in the original film. Mr. Craven often helped Blyth in her own career as an actress, producing several of her plays as early as 1919. Her father,
Arnold, died in an apartment fire in 1927. Her step-father passed away in 1945 and her mother, Mary Blyth Craven, died in 1958.
Washington Post (Washington, D.C.) -
June 11, 1905Remarriage of the Dalys
An interesting object of comment developed on September 22, when the news of the remarriage of
Arnold Daly and Mazie Blythe was made known. Two years previously there had been a divorce, and to Mrs. Daly was given the custody of their baby daughter. Following the separation many friends tried to bring the two together, but it was not until the summer of last year that success attended these offices. Miss Blythe at the close of her season with Nat Goodwin, went for a visit to friends at Santa Monica, Cal., and it was not long before news reached her that
Arnold Daly had suddenly decided to take his company of "Candida" players tot he Pacific Coast. This cross-the-continent trip was really in the nature of a pursuit with intent to acquire, and at its conclusion its object fell in with the wishes of the organizer of the expedition, the second marriage taking place in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Daly had been together in many companies. They first met when she was a member of Mansfield's troupe, and later when playing in "Barbara Freitchic" in support of Miss Marlowe, they were married.
S. S. Mauritania from New York to Liverpool -
Arrived April 8, 1913Daly, Arnold - housewife? f age 29
Daly, Blyth - child age 11
S. S. Minnewaska from London to New York -
October 10-19, 1914Daly, Blyth - born Dec 3, 1901 NY - visiting father.
Passport Application -
June 1919
Passport photo - 1919
Blyth Daly (single) born at London, England December 5, 1901
P.C. Arnold Daly born Brooklyn, NY
Arnold now residing in London temporarily
Blyth previous abroad in Paris Feb 1911 to July 1914.
Residence: Great Neck, L.I., N.Y.
Occupation: actress
Going to England for Professional work
Plans to set sail July 3, 1919
Age: 17
Mouth: medium
Stature: 5 feet 3 inches
Chin: wide
Forehead: broad
Hair: blond
Eyes: Grey
Complexion: Fair
S. S. Lapland from Southampton to NY -
Arriving September 25, 1919Daly, Blyth - age 17, born "In England of American parents". Dec 5, 1902
Naturalization: #93059 [or 93054]
Address: Great Neck, Long Island.
Elm Point, Great Neck, North Hempstead, NY -
February 12, 19201920 United States Federal Census
Craven, Frank - age 38, b MA, pb NY, actor
" , Mary (wife) - age 36, b CA, pb CA
" , John (son) - age 3 years & 6 months, b NY, fb MA, mb CA
Daly, Blythe (step-dau.) - age 18, immigrated 1902, b Eng, fb NY, mb CA
Mead, Nora (servant) - age 34, immigrated 1889, b Ire, pb Ire
Zteffen, Minnie (servant) - age 40, widow, immigrated 1903, b Bohemia
Keroes, Irene (servant) - age 22, immigrated 1913, b Hungary
The Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis, Indiana) -
May 8, 1921A Repertory Theater
Arnold Daly, who expects to spend the early summer months abroad, will come back to New York in the late summer to begin his season as an independent produced at the Greenwich Village thater on Oct. 10.
It is Daly's purpose to establish a repertory theater, with himself as the stellar attraction, and a company that will include his daughter; Blythe Daly, Phillips Tead, Sudney Carlyle and Walter F. Scott. It will mark the first time, incidentally, that he and Miss Blythe will have been seen on the same stage.
Carl Shoner's "The Children's Tragedy" has already been selected as the opening bill, the American adaptation being left to the pen of Benjamin Glaser, who made over "Liliom" and "The Master" for the English-speaking theater. Bernard Shaw's whimsical piece, "The Man of Destiny", will be used as a curtain-raiser. Later on in the season it is highly probable that Shaw's "Candida" will be revived, as will also Herman Bahr's "The Master", in which Daly was seen a few seasons back.
Lima News (Lima, Ohio) -
December 2, 1921Blythe Daly, daughter of
Arnold Daly, stage celebrity, support Ernest Truex in "Little, But Oh My!"
S. S. Aquitania from Southampton to NYC -
June 24 to July 1, 1923Daly, Blyth - age 21, born Dec 1901
Passport by Parentage #237207, issued Dec 14, 1922
Address: Great Neck, Long Island, N.Y.
S. S. Belgenland from New York to Plymouth -
Arrived April 18, 1926Daly, Blyth - c/o Guaranty Trust Co, Kingway, London
1st Class ticket, actress age 27
S. S. DeGrasse from Le Havre to New York -
June 26 to July 5, 1926Daly, Blyth - age 24, born London Dec 5, 1901
Passport #177633, from american parents
Address: Great Neck L. I., N. Y.
S. S. Olympic from Cherbourg to New York -
June 30 to July 6, 1926Daly, Blyth of Great Neck, c/o Mrs. F. Craven, L. I.
[her name is crossed out, as if she did not board the ship, she seems to have purchased this ticket but changed her mind and left earlier, from Le Havre, on June 26th]
S. S. Berengaria from Southampton to NY -
May 7-13, 1927Daly, Blyth - passport by parantage
[name crossed out, as if she did not board]
S. S. Scythia from Liverpool to NY -
September 29 to October 9, 1928Daly, Blyth - age 26, address 42 W 59th St, New York
[Name is crossed out, as if she did not board the ship]
Modesto News-Herald (Modesto, California) -
June 6, 1933Blythe Daly and Jack Oakie having one grand time dancing in the Coconut Grove.
S. S. California from NY to LA -
Feb 17 to March 3, 1934Daly, Blythe - age 32
Registered at Birth, US Consulate, London
Address: 72 W 58th St., New York, NY
Brownsville Herald (Brownsville, Texas) -
April 1, 1937Blythe Daly, daughter of the great actor,
Arnold Daly, was badly banged up in a cab crash over the weekend.
San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Texas) -
March 9, 1941[A great deal of general information, where Blyth is not mentioned, is in this article before this point. Basically, a man named George Tiffany, an aviation hero during WWI and son of dowager widow Mrs. Cameron Tiffany, is in a scandal where a woman named "Helen" claims to be his wife - that they took their wedding vows in a hotel room and exchanged rings. He denies this.]

George, through his lawyer, Maxwell Shapiro, denied that they took part in any ceremony in Baltimore, except the dog show, and produced a corroborating affidavit from the stage and screen actress, Blythe Daly, daughter of
Arnold Daly and step-daughter of the vetern actor, Frank Craven. Blythe, he said, had accompanied them to Baltimore and been with them all the time.
"Blythe Daly was jealous of me," Helen replied, "and when we left for Baltimore she forced her way into the car. She suspected we were married or were going to be married in Elkton. George and I kept our secret. We finally gave her the slip and when we retired for the night of Jan. 27, Blythe Daly, who was intoxicated, actually forced her way into our room. George and I had difficulty in packing her off to her room.
"The same Blythe Daly, however, writes a letter to me... which states that while the defendant, she and I were driving from Elkton she was told that we were married there. Naturally, neither the defendant nor I could tell Blythe anything about our status, because she at all times believed that we were man and wife, and when she says in her affidavit that we were never married in Baltimore, she tells the truth, because she was not in on the secret."
And then, having disposed of Blythe Daly, Helen returns again to that ranking phrase, "convenience and choice," saying: "Was our living together a question of convenience and choice when, immediately after our marriage the defendant took me to live with his mother at her estate in Long Island, where I lived with the defendant as man and wife for more than a year in close contact and daily association, not only with his dear mother, but with the most intimate members of the Tiffany clan?"
In winding up her petition to the court, Helen gave some figures on the upkeep of prize dogs, seemingly with a view to providing a gauge for the award of alimony. "It costs about $40 to $50 a week to keep the dogs when traveling from dog show to dog show, besides paying for entry fees. The fees for entering from six to ten dogs would be about $100. Defendant is in possession of nine or ten dogs which he boards with people playing them about $100 a month.
George denis that he keeps "nine or ten dogs" - the number is seven, he says - as well as the incidental allegations of cruetly with which Helen opened the legal battle. Specifically, he says he never socked her in the eye on Long Island, bounced a water pitcher over her head in Atlantic City, or floored her with a flying tackle, also on Long Island. Oddly enough, all these incidents are alleged to have occured before gallantry left off and legality began.
Brownsville Herald (Brownsville, Texas) -
April 9, 1945Blythe Daly, the actress, is the latest to have her hair ruined (practically all of it gone) in a permanent wave gadget.
Cumberland Evening Times (Cumberland, Maryland) -
July 12, 1967Years ago, Blythe Daly, an actress, wishing to compliment Jessica Reed, a Ziegfeld girl, said: "Darling, you look like a piece of Italian renaissance." Jessica, having expected a put-down, snarled: "Yeah, and you don't look so good yourself, you bitch!"